
Enough is Indeed Enough.

Today I Hate: Panic Attacks. Why? Because they suck.
Today I Love: Tea and not getting sick. Why? Because I am absolutely, no way in hell, getting sick.

  Haven't done any internet stuff in awhile for a number of reasons, mostly because I find the internet to be a disgusting cesspool of stupid people and gross things (also present in the real world but far worse online). I have been working on stuff but am reluctant to post most of it due to the aforementioned cesspool of whatever. I have mostly been journal writing and comic planning but I feel more and more like the internet is not the place for me. It is not this great, wonderful place where you can share ideas, improve, and "find your people" like everyone seems to think. Unless of course you are one of the f*cking insane, torch wielding majority or are willing to bend to the will of the f*cking insane, torch wielding majority when they start blocking/deleting your accounts and silencing you when they see something they don't agree with even though they accept everyone and everything and I'm pretty certain that is exactly what would happen here if I actually posted any of the things I really want to write about.

  So I will probably post stuff again sometime but for now I am just keeping myself to myself because I have really had enough of people, both online and in the real world.

Enough is enough.
