
On Bath Time & Companionship

    Dunking stuffed animals into tubs of water is generally something I avoid doing but that is exactly what I found myself doing today.
    As I squatted beside the tub full of soapy water I felt the beginnings of a spine-ache setting in and my knees protesting my partial-squatting position. I was doing this because my—arguably—green stuffed rabbit friend, Bunny, was in desperate need of a bath. I stared down at him and he gazed earnestly back up at me through the suds. His eyes and once whiskered nose were the only parts of him visible and the more I looked at him the more pathetic he appeared. Soaking wet he looked a sorry mess, the wet fur around his eyes giving him a pleading expression that began to niggle at me. Rubbing my back I sighed.

    "We're getting too old for this."

    Being in my twenties people often wonder why it is I am never seen without my stuffed rabbit friend and when asked I usually answer. I’m aware that not many people above the age of four keep the company of stuffed critters in public and bathing him is a day long feat that takes a lot out of both of us. I sat there studying his aging body and couldn’t help but wonder if it wouldn’t be kinder to begin thinking about retiring him.
    I picked up his ear and carefully began to scrub the dirt from it before moving onto the rest of him, taking note of and obsessing over the worn parts that have become more prominent after almost seven years of near constant togetherness. When finished with that I slid my hands beneath him supporting his head like a newborn’s and lifted his sopping wet now eight pound self out so I could refill the tub to rinse him. As I did this his bright eyes caught mine and I realized I couldn’t be more wrong. Bunny may be stuffed but he is one of my greatest friends and he has plenty of years left in him. I love him and he has given me so much and asked for nothing but care in return (one of the many benefits of stuffed friends) and that is not something I want to give up. So while I cannot say that there will never be a day when I decide to venture out without Bunny I can say with absolute certainty that today is most definitely
Bunny after his...second bath, I think.

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