
Morning Thoughts: Clocks with Hands

    Today I woke up thinking about the emergency room. (Well, actually I woke up thinking about menstration but I'll save that for another day.) I then began thinking about clocks in the ER, specifically the clock that was in the room of the particular ER I was in last year. As my still sleep soaked brain took me through this thought ramble I came to the conclusion that ERs should never, ever, EHver have anything but digital clocks. Why you ask?
    While I was there I remember waking up every hour and trying to figure out what time it was, a Herculean effort given the amount of pain I was in/drugs I was on at the time and it went something like this:

Okay, there's the little hand and the big hand. One of them is for the hour and...day? No minutes. Hour and day--minutes. Which is which again? Okay the short one is...the short one is definitely hour. Hour. Now the other one. Why is it moving so fast? Oh, there's a second hand I couldn't see before, okay. Now the little one. Wait, didn't I already figure that one out?
What do they stand for again?

    And that's about when the medication would kick in and I'd pass out again. Needless to say I never was able to figure out what time it was. And yeah, okay, I realize there are far more important things we need to fix about our hospitals but you have to start somewhere right? And my four o'clock in the morning, half asleep brain thinks that clocks are the perfect place to begin.

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